Oct 19 – 21, 2022
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


We gather world experts working on applications of gauge/gravity duality to astrophysical and cosmological phenomena. 

We will hear how holography is applied in the context of neutron stars, where the density is too large for the use of lattice simulations, but not large enough for perturbation theory to be applicable. We will learn about the production of gravitational waves in the early universe, when a first-order phase transition of a strongly coupled extension of the Standard Model would lead to imprints in the gravitational wave signal.

This program will consist of several one and a half hour talks by the invited speakers, plus a small number of additional selected contributions from other participants. This format is aimed to foster discussions and fruitful collaborations. 

Download the poster of the conference here [ pdf ]

Invited speakers

  • Francesco Bigazzi 
  • Nick Evans
  • Carlos Hoyos
  • Thomas Konstandin
  • David Mateos
  • Kostas Skenderis
  • Aleksi Vuorinen
  • Ivonne Zavala


There is no registration fee. Application is opened now until September 18 in this webpage.

Accommodation information and travel support

Accommodation costs may be covered for a limited number of PhD students and/or junior researchers. Applicants are encouraged to indicate in the registration form whether they need travel support.

Social events

There will be a conference dinner on Thursday 20.
The method of payment (700 SEK) will be specified after the registration deadline.


Antón Faedo, Oscar Henrikson, Matti Järvinen, Ronnie Rodgers and Javier Subils

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Albano Building 3
Conference center, room ...
Albanovägen 29