29 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

New superconducting qubit and millikelvin electronics for it

29 Aug 2022, 10:10
Conference center, room ... (Albano Building 3)

Conference center, room ...

Albano Building 3

Albanovägen 29
Invited talk


Mikko Möttönen (Aalto)


We recently discovered a new kind of a superconducting qubit, the unimon, that can be fabricated using standard materials and techniques out of a single Josephson junction and a superconducting resonator, yet having higher anharmonicity than the transmon and resilience against charge and flux noise. Our first experiments on the unimon demonstrate single-qubit-gate fidelity of 99.9% stable for several hours without recalibration. In addition, we have developed qubit readout, reset, and control electronics that operates at millikelvin temperatures and can be integrated with the unimon in the future. These results have been obtained by the Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD) group in collaboration with several other groups. See https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-applied-physics/qcd-media for highlighted results.

Primary author

Mikko Möttönen (Aalto)

Presentation materials

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