Aug 25 – 28, 2025
Albano Building 2
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Code of Conduct

The European string community is committed to creating an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment. The organisers invite all the participants to actively contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere for everybody during the conference, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, nationality, religion or academic position. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.
Please follow these guidelines:

Behave professionally. Harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary comments or jokes are not appropriate. Harassment includes sustained disruption of talks or other events, sexual attention or innuendo, deliberate intimidation, stalking, and photography (including screenshots) or recording of an individual without consent. It also includes offensive comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race or religion.

All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds.

Discretion should be used when posting any meeting pictures to social media sites. If participants wish to share photos of a speaker on social media, we strongly recommend that they first get the speaker's permission.
Any participant who wishes to report a violation of this policy is asked to contact, in confidence, one of the organisers, for example Magdalena LarforsPawel CaputaNiels Obers.