Aug 25 – 28, 2025
Albano Building 2
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden



Aug 25-28 



Eurostrings is a series of annual conferences gathering researchers from all over Europe and elsewhere, working on string theory, gauge/gravity duality, quantum gravity and quantum field theories, and the relations among them. Previous Eurostrings conferences were held in Gijon, LyonLondonMilanoLeuvenCambridge.

Themes and preliminary program schedule

Information will appear soon.

Invited speakers

Information will appear soon.


Satellite event

The meeting will be combined with a 1-day Fest for Joe Minahan on Friday, where the talks will be centered around Joe's research legacy. Participants at Eurostrings are invited to attend the Friday talks, at no extra cost.


Information will appear soon.

Travel support

Information will appear soon.


Registration to be considered for on-site participation will close TBD. Registrants will receive an on-site/remote participation confirmation from the organizers after this date.


Advisory Committee

Pablo Bueno, Roberto Emparan, Daniel Grumiller, Henrik Johansson, Elias Kiritsis, Charlotte Kristjansen, Yolands Lozano Gomez, Fernando Marchesano, Ricardo Monteiro, Sara Pasquetti, Silvia Penati, Michela Petrini, Boris Pioline, Jan Plefka, Andrea Puhm, Diego Rodriguez Gomez, Henning Samtleben, Koenraad Schalm, Andreas Stergiou, Antoine Van Proeyen.

COST Leadership

Alessandro Sfondrini (Action Chair), Piotr Sułkowski (Action Vice-chair), Diego Rodriguez-Gomez, Predrag Dominis Prester, Nicolaos Toumbas, Martin Cederwall, Riccardo Borsato, Nils Carqueville.

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