Neutron star mergers are believed to be a major cosmological source of rapid neutron-capture elements, but only limited definite spectral identifiers of these heavy elements have been found. Identifying P$\,$Cygni lines are important because they provide significant information not just potentially on the elemental composition of the merger ejecta, but also on the velocity, geometry, and abundance stratification of the explosion. In this talk, we present evidence for a previously unrecognised P$\,$Cygni line in the spectra of AT2017gfo that emerges several days after the explosion, located at $\lambda \approx 760\,$nm. We show that the feature is well-reproduced by 4d$^2$-4d5p transitions of Y$^+$, which have a weighted mean wavelength of around 760-770 nm, with the most prominent line at 788.19 nm. While the observed line is weaker than the Sr$^+$ feature, the velocity stratification of the new line provides an independent constraint on the expansion rate of the ejecta, which is consistent with the Sr$^+$ P$\,$Cygni.