Sep 4 – 7, 2023
Wenner-Gren Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Conference fee payment : deadline July 31

Participants (excluding invited speakers) from abroad need to pay in 150 euro to the following bank account:



SE16 1200 0000 0128 1011 7756




Bank Name: Danske Bank
Account holder: Stockholms Universitet

As reference, state the code 3122 30000543 followed by your name, e.g. "3122 30000543 Anders Jerkstrand".


Important: Please do not use Revolut as payment method.


Participants (excluding invited speakers) from within Sweden need to pay in 1800 SEK to the following bank-giro:

BG 5050-0206.


Reference: same as above.


The deadline to make the payment is July 31.


5050-0206 5050-0206

BG 5050-0206BG


BG 5050-0206