Recent advancements in astrophysics, such as the James Webb space telescope (JWST) and the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave detectors, have introduced new demands on atomic physics. With the JWST operating in the infrared spectral regime, and the LIGO/Virgo leading to the ground-breaking discovery of the first neutron-star-merger event accompanied by a kilonova transient (arguably a dominant production site for neutron capture elements), have highlighted the need for reliable atomic data for the heavier elements, in particular in the infrared.
However, the current databases are both incomplete and poor in quality when it comes to heavy elements. This lack of information on atomic energy levels and processes is partly due to the complexities involved in carrying out atomic structure calculations for many of these elements, notably the lanthanides.
A significant challenge posed by lanthanides is the presence of multiple configurations with many levels and overlapping energies, giving rise to perturbing states. These elements often have orbitals closely aligned energetically so that different occupations lead to configurations of similar energies. Current state-of-the-art atomic structure codes assume an orthonormal orbital basis set. However, separate calculations of two competing configurations reveal significant non-orthonormalities between the orbitals of each configuration. This can lead to inaccurate expectation values if not taken into account properly.
In this contribution, we present methods for performing atomic structure calculations that address this critical issue while also ensuring that the wavefunctions remain compact enough for efficient computations of collisional-radiative properties across a wide range of atomic systems needed, for instance, in kilonova spectral modeling. Taking neutral gold as a representative system and using the relativistic atomic structure code GRASP2018 , we explore targeted optimization techniques to treat the orbital non-orthonormalities.