23–24 Mar 2009
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Toxicity of carbon nanotubes to the lung: from mechanisms to regulatory consequence

23 Mar 2009, 14:30
F3 (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology)


KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Lindstedtsväg 26


Dr Anna Shvedova (West Virginia University, USA)


Advancements in nanotechnology and broad applications of nanomaterials raise the issue of their potential adverse health effects particularly in occupational and environmental settings. Among different nanomaterials, Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) – with their unique physico-chemical, electronic and mechanical properties – are emerging as important objects of toxicological studies. However, toxic effects of SWCNT have not been well characterized, especially with respect to pulmonary outcomes. We will present data demonstrating that SWCNT in doses relevant to potential occupational exposures may exert their toxic effects in the lung of exposed animals in vivo. We documented an unusual and robust inflammatory and fibrogenic response closely associated with the progression of oxidative stress in the lungs. Because realistic exposures to SWCNT are likely to occur in conjunction with other pathogenic influences, e.g., microbial infections, our finding of compromised bacterial clearance in the lungs of SWCNT-exposed mice are of great practical importance. This talk will address important issues of respiratory toxicity of aspired vs inhaled SWCNT in relation to their ability to cause pulmonary injury. Finally, the mechanisms of toxicity will be discussed in the context of current regulations of protection and their sufficiency in occupational settings. Acknowledgements: supported by NIOSH OH008282, NORA 92700Y, 7th Framework EU: FP7-NMP-2007.

Primary author

Dr Anna Shvedova (West Virginia University, USA)

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