23–24 Mar 2009
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Imaging at nanoscale can be deceiving

23 Mar 2009, 15:15
F3 (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology)


KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Lindstedtsväg 26


Dr Pekka Koskinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)


Nanoscale imaging techniques can be accurate, but sometimes things are not as they seem. I will present two cases where the imaging technique itself causes the measured phenomenon. First case relates to TEM imaging of a metal atom diffusing in graphene, and the second relates to STM imaging of small potassium islands on graphite. In both cases theory is needed to interpret the experimental findings.

Primary author

Dr Pekka Koskinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)

Presentation materials

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