30 May 2011 to 25 June 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone
This is a pre-STRINGS 2011 program.

A few topics that we expect to cover during the program include but are not limited to: string effective actions; stringy instantons; supersymmetry breaking; intersecting D-branes; generalized flux compactifications; inflation in string theory; string-inspired MSSM-like models; dark matter in those models.

More generally, we will try to cover what string theory has to say about physics beyond the Standard Models of both particle physics and cosmology. We will do our best to cover most current developments in string phenomenology.

During the program we plan to have one seminar or discussion every day (with an introduction to give sufficient background) on the latest developments. There will be some pedagogical lectures on basics of string phenomenology in the first three weeks (see link on left).

Registration is closed.
