16–27 Aug 2010
KTH main campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Lecture: Algorithms and Data Structures

17 Aug 2010, 11:15
E3 (KTH main campus)


KTH main campus

KTH main campus Valhallavägen 79
Parallel Algorithms Algorithms and Data Structures


Björn Engquist (KTH and the University of Austin)


The goal of the lecture is to present the overarching strategy of the full scientific computing process that include the mathematical formulation of a problem, the numerical algorithm with appropriate data structures and the implementation on modern computer architectures. We will discuss distributed computing for different classes of algorithms. Examples are techniques based on domain decomposition and the effect of causality on parallel algorithms.

Primary authors

Björn Engqvist (KTH and the University of Austin) Elisabet Molin (PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)

Presentation materials