19 / 19
Lilit Axner
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Lab: MPI Basics
- Speaker at Lab: MPI Point-to-Point Communications I
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Basics
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Point-to-Point Communications I
- Speaker at Wrap-up: MPI Basics and Point-to-Point Communications I
David Black-Schaffer
(Uppsala University)
- Speaker at GPU Architectures for Non-Graphics People
- Speaker at Introduction to OpenCL
Iris Christadler
(LRZ - Leibniz-Rechenzentrum)
- Speaker at New Languages for High Performance Computing
Björn Engquist
(KTH and the University of Austin)
- Speaker at Lecture: Algorithms and Data Structures
- Speaker at Algorithms and Data Structures
Thomas Ericsson
- Speaker at Shared Memory Parallelism
- Speaker at Shared Memory Parallelism
- Speaker at Shared Memory Parallelism
- Speaker at Writing Efficient Programs
- Speaker at Writing Efficient Programs
Erik Hagersten
(Uppsala University)
- Speaker at High-Performance Computer Architecture
- Speaker at High-Performance Computer Architecture
- Speaker at High-Performance Computer Architecture
- Speaker at High-Performance Computer Architecture
Michael Hammill
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Using the Project Submission System
- Sverker Holmgren (Uppsala University and SNIC)
Niclas Jansson
- Speaker at Lab: OpenMP advanced project
- Speaker at Lab: OpenMP advanced project
- Speaker at Lab: Programming exercises on OpenMP
- Speaker at Lab: Programming exercises on OpenMP
- Speaker at Wrap-up: OpenMP advanced project
Lennart Johnsson
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing, and University of Houston)
- Speaker at Green Computing
- Pavel Korzhavyi (MSE - KTH, Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
Erwin Laure
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Welcome to PDC and the Summer School
Michaela Lechner
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Lab: MPI Collective Communications
- Speaker at Lab: MPI Point-to-Point Communications II
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Collective Communications
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Point-to-Point Communications II
- Speaker at Wrap-up: MPI Point-to-Point Communications II and Collective Communication
- Dag Lindbo (KTH)
Elisabet Molin
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Lab: Getting Acquainted with the PDC Environment
- Speaker at Lecture: Introduction to PDC's Environment
- Speaker at Lab: Getting Acquainted with the PDC Environment
- Speaker at Lab: Performance Engineering: Parallel Performance
- Speaker at Lecture: Performance Engineering: Parallel Performance
- Speaker at Wrap-up: Performance Engineering
Jesper Oppelstrup
(CSC - KTH School of Computer Science and Communication)
- Speaker at Welcome to PDC and the Summer School
- Speaker at Project Work Requirements and Expectations
Michael Schliephake
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Interconnection Networks
- Speaker at Interconnection Networks
Olav Vahtras
(PDC - Center for High-Performance Computing)
- Speaker at Lab: MPI Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP)
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP)
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP)
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Virtual Topologies
- Speaker at Lecture: MPI Virtual Topologies
- Speaker at Wrap up: Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP)
Anders Ynnerman
(Linköpings Universitet)
- Speaker at Case Study in Visualization