15–17 Sept 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The better-than-preliminary-but-not-quite-final timetable is now up - times are more or less set, some talk titles have still to be added

MCMC analysis of the MSSM with degenerate Higgs mass matrix - S. Fichet

17 Sept 2010, 16:15
FD5 (Svedbergsalen) (AlbaNova)

FD5 (Svedbergsalen)



Certain supersymmetric grand unified models predict that the coefficients of the quadratic terms in the MSSM Higgs potential should be degenerate at the GUT scale. We discuss some examples for such models, and we analyse the implications of this peculiar condition of a GUT-scale degenerate Higgs mass matrix for low-scale MSSM phenomenology. To this end we explore the parameter space which is consistent with existing experimental constraints by means of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis. This talk is based on arXiv:1007.0321 and JHEP 0908:011.

Presentation materials