21 January 2013 to 15 February 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Simulating an interacting gauge theory with ultracold Bose gases

14 Feb 2013, 16:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Dr Matthew Edmonds (Heriot-Watt University)


Over the last two decades ultracold atomic gases have formed the basis for a plethora of theoretical and experimental investigations of matter at the nano Kelvin temperature regime. Condensates formed from either bosonic or fermionic matter offer a large degree of experimental control, and as such it is now possible to perform quantum simulations of various physical scenarios envisaged in other condensed matter systems, such as spin-orbit coupling, quantum magnetism and even relativistic effects1,2. Here, we will discuss how one can create artificial gauge fields for an ensemble of interacting ultracold bosonic atoms using the dressed states of the light-matter interaction. Until now, all experimental gauge potentials have been static2. We will show how to induce a U(1) interacting dynamical gauge field, such that there is an effective back-action between the gauge field and the matter field. We will then go on to construct the one-dimensional solutions for such a system, which comprises unique topological states. By performing the appropriate gauge transformation, the one-dimensional many-body equation of motion can be shown to feature a current non-linearity. The resulting non-linear equation of motion can be solved exactly to yield chiral solitons3, as well as critical particle numbers required for the onset of rotation of a condensate in a ring geometry4. References [1] J. Dalibard et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 1523 (2011). [2] Y.-J. Lin et al., Nature 471 83 (2011) [3] U. Aglietti., et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4406 (1996). [4] M. J. Edmonds et al., arXiv 1212.0445

Primary author

Dr Matthew Edmonds (Heriot-Watt University)

Presentation materials