8 April 2013 to 3 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dynamic model of dynamo (magnetic activity) and stellar rotation

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita)





Aditi Sood (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield)


A dynamic model of dynamo and rotation is investigated to understand the observational data of the dependence of the magnetic activities and the differential rotation \Delta \Omega on the rotation rate \Omega. Specifically, we propose a minimal seventh order non-linear dynamical system for magnetic fields and differential rotation \Delta \Omega by parameterizing the generation and destruction of magnetic fields by \alpha-\Omega effect and magnetic flux loss from stars and by including quenching of \alpha effect and differential rotation \Delta \Omega due to Lorentz force. By examining different forms of alpha quenching and flux loss, we study how the strength and frequency \omega of magnetic fields, and the differential rotation \Delta \Omega change with the rotation rate \Omega through dynamo number. In particular, among the three cases with (i) \alpha-quenching and no flux loss (ii) flux loss and no \alpha-quenching; (iii) \alpha-quenching and flux loss, our results show that the best agreement with observations is obtained in the case (iii) with equal amount of alpha quenching and poloidal and toroidal magnetic flux losses with quadratic nonlinear dependence on |B|. Specifically, in this case, the frequency spectrum of magnetic field has a well-localized frequency of the maximum intensity which scales as \omega \propto \Omega^(0.80), in agreement with observation of Noyes et al. (1984), while magnetic field and mean differential rotation exhibit the tendency of saturation for high rotation. Implication of our results in light of necessary dynamic balance is discussed.

Primary authors

Aditi Sood (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield) Eun-Jin Kim (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield)

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