8 April 2013 to 3 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Viability of using photometric period variations as a proxy for stellar surface differential rotation

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita)





Jyri Lehtinen (University of Helsinki)


One popular method for detecting and quantifying surface differential rotation of active stars has been to monitor how the periods of their observed light curves fluctuate over time. The observed period fluctuations should indicate major spotted areas situated at different latitudes that have different rotation periods. The period determination of the light curves becomes, however, increasingly unstable for lower light curve amplitudes and sparser data and can lead to spurious period fluctuation of tens of percents. I will present an analysis of how accurately one can use the detected period fluctuations as a measure of the actual surface differential rotation.

Primary author

Jyri Lehtinen (University of Helsinki)

Presentation materials

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