8 April 2013 to 3 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Synoptic solar cycle observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita)





Elena Benevolenskaya (Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, Saint Petersburg)


The current solar cycle 24 attracts an attention of researchers to study the nature of the solar activity at the different levels of the Sun from the interior to the solar corona. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) provides us multi-waves data from the Extreme Ultraviolet to the visible light and magnetic field measurements. Here, it is presented the synoptic structure of the solar cycle 24 using the line-of sight component of the magnetic field (HMI/SDO), EUV emission in lines: 171A, 193A and 304A (AIA/SDO) from May 2010, 20 to January 2013, 25 (CR2097--CR2032). This structure detects the extremely strong north-south asymmetry in the emerging magnetic flux and as a result the delay in the polar magnetic field reversals. This delay occurs due to impulses of the magnetic flux with negative in Northern hemisphere and with positive polarity Southern hemispheres at the beginning of the solar cycle. The coronal patterns follow the magnetic activity and display the activity waves in the mid-latitude. In the high-latitude the EUV emission of the line of Fe IX,X (171A) clearly shows the high-latitude wave in the south, and the less pronounced activity wave in the north.

Primary author

Elena Benevolenskaya (Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, Saint Petersburg)

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