8 April 2013 to 3 May 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Are starspots equivalents to sunspots?

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita)





Thomas Hackman (Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO)


A basic method to measure the surface differential rotation on both the Sun and stars is to trace the movement of spots. The general notion is that spots on late-type stars are equivalents of sunspots. However, results from Doppler imaging and photometric time series analysis as well as numerical modelling have cast shadows of doubts on this assumption. It has been hard to observationally establish the connection between magnetic fields and cool spots. Furthermore it is not clear whether the huge cool structures seen on active stars are like "blown up" sunspots or groups of smaller spots. In this talk I will discuss some observational results of starspots in comparison to sunspots.

Primary author

Thomas Hackman (Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO)

Presentation materials

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