Jul 15 – 18, 2007
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Exact Asymptotic Results for the Bernoulli Matching Model of Sequence Alignment

Jul 16, 2007, 5:30 PM


Prof. Sergey Nechaev (CNRS)


Finding analytically the statistics of the longest common subsequence (LCS) of a pair of random sequences drawn from c alphabets is a challenging problem in computational evolutionary biology. We present exact asymptotic results for the distribution of the LCS in a simpler, yet nontrivial, variant of the original model called the Bernoulli matching (BM) model. We show that in the BM model, for all c, the distribution of the asymptotic length of the LCS, suitably scaled, is identical to the Tracy-Widom distribution of the largest eigenvalue of a random matrix whose entries are drawn from a Gaussian unitary ensemble.

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