Machine Learning for Quantum Matter
Monday, August 26, 2019 (9:00 AM)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 (6:00 PM)
Monday, August 26, 2019
9:30 AM
Alexander Balatsky
Alexander Balatsky
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Room: 132:028
9:45 AM
Quantum Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation
Jacob Biamonte
Quantum Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation
Jacob Biamonte
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Room: 132:028
10:45 AM
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Room: 132:028
11:00 AM
Quantum error correction for the toric code using deep reinforcement learning
Mats Granath
Quantum error correction for the toric code using deep reinforcement learning
Mats Granath
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: 132:028
12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Room: Albanova Restaurant Entré
2:00 PM
Organic Quantum Matter and the Organic Materials Database
Matthias Geilhufe
Organic Quantum Matter and the Organic Materials Database
Matthias Geilhufe
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: 132:028
3:00 PM
Machine learning modeling of superconducting critical
Valentin Stanev
Machine learning modeling of superconducting critical
Valentin Stanev
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: 132:028
4:00 PM
Coffee break
Coffee break
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Room: 132:028
4:30 PM
Unsupervised detection of topological quantum state equivalences
Oleksandr Balabanov
Unsupervised detection of topological quantum state equivalences
Oleksandr Balabanov
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: 132:028
5:00 PM
Deriving descriptors from fundamental physical models for targeted material property prediction using machine learning
Ali Mazhar
Deriving descriptors from fundamental physical models for targeted material property prediction using machine learning
Ali Mazhar
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Room: 132:028
6:30 PM
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Room: Albanova Entrance
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
9:00 AM
Towards Universal Machine-Learning/Physics Model of Molecular Properties in Chemical Space
Alexandre Tkachenko
Towards Universal Machine-Learning/Physics Model of Molecular Properties in Chemical Space
Alexandre Tkachenko
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Room: 132:028
10:00 AM
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room: 132:028
10:15 AM
Navigating chemical space with quantum machine learning
Anatole von Lilienfeld
Navigating chemical space with quantum machine learning
Anatole von Lilienfeld
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: 132:028
11:15 AM
Artificial intelligence methods for discovering novel materials and exotic compounds
Artem Oganov
Artificial intelligence methods for discovering novel materials and exotic compounds
Artem Oganov
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 132:028
12:15 PM
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Room: Albanova Restaurant Entré
2:00 PM
Effective model estimation for magnetic materials by machine learning
Rio Tamura
Effective model estimation for magnetic materials by machine learning
Rio Tamura
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: 132:028
3:00 PM
Spin wave excitations of magnetic metal organic materials
Johan Hellsvik
Spin wave excitations of magnetic metal organic materials
Johan Hellsvik
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: 132:028
4:00 PM
Coffee break
Coffee break
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Room: 132:028
4:30 PM
New horizons for the fastest, densest and least dissipative brain-inspired computing
Johan Mentink
New horizons for the fastest, densest and least dissipative brain-inspired computing
Johan Mentink
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Room: 132:028
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
9:00 AM
SchNet - An interpretable atomistic neural network
Kristof Schütt
SchNet - An interpretable atomistic neural network
Kristof Schütt
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Room: 132:028
10:00 AM
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room: 132:028
10:15 AM
Euclidean Neural Networks for Emulating Ab Initio Calculations and Generating Atomic Geometries
Tess Smidt
Euclidean Neural Networks for Emulating Ab Initio Calculations and Generating Atomic Geometries
Tess Smidt
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: 132:028
11:15 AM
Phylogenetic operads in machine learning
Caroline Brembilla
Phylogenetic operads in machine learning
Caroline Brembilla
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Room: 132:028
11:45 AM
Microsoft’s Azure ML and AI modeling portfolio
Joana Olivia
Microsoft’s Azure ML and AI modeling portfolio
Joana Olivia
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: 132:028
12:15 PM
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Room: Albanova Restaurant Entré
2:00 PM
Dirac Materials and Informatics
Alexander Balatsky
Dirac Materials and Informatics
Alexander Balatsky
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: 132:028
3:00 PM
Determining spectrum-structure relation with machine learning techniques
Yi Luo
Determining spectrum-structure relation with machine learning techniques
Yi Luo
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: 132:028
3:30 PM
Coffee and round table discussion
Coffee and round table discussion
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Room: 132:028