This get-together is rather different from most conferences. It is meant to focus on ongoing research, to bring out connections between adjacent but distinct fields, and to foster collaboration that otherwise might not occur. As one consequence, there is unusual diversity in the audience. In order to advance these goals, we ask speakers:
To supply a printable one page (strict maximum) double-spaced document to be distributed to workshop participants at registration and again just before the talk. It should include:
- a very brief, minimally technical summary of the presentation, emphasizing its motivation
- links to one or two "self-contained" (for quantum physics Ph. Ds) introductions to the broad area of investigation, and
- links to one or two papers describing the work itself, if those are available.
To begin with a self-contained (in the same sense) motivating discussion.
- Not to burden the presentation with details that will be wasted on non-specialists.
To respect the time limits.
To conclude with some vision of how the work relates to broader issues, and/or what it suggests for possible future investigations.
NOTE: This is a workshop - there will be limited number of talks. Those allocated 1 hour should finish in 45 minutes and leave 15 minutes for discussion. Those allocated 30 minutes should last 20 minutes and leave 10 minutes for discussion.