4–6 Oct 2017
SU campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Constraints on hydrodynamics from many-body quantum chaos

6 Oct 2017, 11:45
P216 (SU campus)


SU campus


Andrew Lucas (Stanford University)


Quantum chaos describes the dynamics of a many-body system at the onset of thermalization, while hydrodynamics describes the late time dynamics after thermalization has occurred locally. Consistency between these two descriptions provides constraints linking hydrodynamic data such as diffusion constants and sound speeds to quantum chaos. I will show that in large N quantum field theories, hydrodynamic coefficients are bounded by a light cone velocity: the speed at which the region where quantum scrambling has just begun expands. Under certain circumstances, including small N, this light cone velocity can be replaced by the butterfly velocity: the speed at which the region where quantum information has completely scrambled expands. Using these bounds I will predict two unexpected features of holographic models: (i) the inequivalence of light cone and butterfly velocities in many theories; (ii) the breakdown of the hydrodynamic gradient expansion at very long wavelengths in certain charge neutral plasmas.

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