4–6 Oct 2017
SU campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Holographic pinning in probe brane models

6 Oct 2017, 09:45
P216 (SU campus)


SU campus


Niko Jokela


In a holographic probe-brane model exhibiting a spontaneously spatially modulated CDW+SDW ground state, I will introduce explicit sources of symmetry breaking in the form of ionic and antiferromagnetic lattices. I will demonstrate pinning, in which the translational Goldstone mode is lifted by the introduction of explicit sources of translational symmetry breaking. The numerically computed optical conductivity fits very well to a Drude-Lorentz model with a small residual metallicity, precisely matching analytic formulas for the DC conductivity. I also demonstrate an instability of the striped phase in the presence of a large- amplitude ionic lattice.

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