Sera Cremonini
In this talk I will examine transport in a holographic model in
which the dynamics of the charged degrees of freedom is
described by the non-perturbative Dirac--Born--Infeld (DBI)
The generic structure of the DC conductivity matrix for these
theories is extremely rich.
When the momentum relaxation is strong, the model
reproduces the anomalous temperature dependence of the
resistivity and Hall angle of the cuprate strange metal.
These scaling laws would not be present without the non-
linear dynamics encoded by the DBI interactions.
This model provides explicit examples in which transport is
controlled by different relaxation times.
On the other hand, when only one quantity sets the
temperature scale of the system, the
Hall angle and DC conductivity typically exhibit the same
temperature behavior.
I illustrate this point with new fully-backreacted dyonic black
brane solutions.