4–6 Oct 2017
SU campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

An upper bound on transport

4 Oct 2017, 11:00
E306 (SU campus)


SU campus


Raghu Mahajan (IAS)


The linear growth of operators in local quantum systems leads to an effective lightcone even if the system is non-relativistic. We show that consistency of diffusive transport with this lightcone places an upper bound on the diffusivity: D<=v^2 \tau_eq. The operator growth velocity v defines the lightcone and \tau_eq is the local equilibration timescale, beyond which the dynamics of conserved densities is diffusive. We verify that the bound is obeyed in various weakly and strongly interacting theories. In holographic models this bound establishes a relation between the hydrodynamic and leading non-hydrodynamic quasinormal modes of planar black holes. Our bound relates transport data --- including the electrical resistivity and the shear viscosity --- to the local equilibration time, even in the absence of a quasiparticle description. In this way, the bound sheds light on the observed T-linear resistivity of many unconventional metals, the shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma and the spin transport of unitary fermions.

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