Is There Still Room for Naturalness?

Conference room 4205, floor 4 (Albano Building 3)

Conference room 4205, floor 4

Albano Building 3

Albanovägen 29
David Milstead (Stockholm University), Elin Bergeås Kuutmann (UU), Gabriele Ferretti, Jörgen Sjölin (Stockholm University), Rikard Enberg, Sara Kristina Strandberg (Stockholm University)


In the Standard Model and its extensions, the mass of the Higgs boson is destabilised by quantum corrections. The free parameters of the models need to be fine-tuned in order to arrive at the measured Higgs mass unless a mechanism, such as a symmetry, is present to ameliorate the situation.

This program, sponsored by NORDITA with the additional support of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, aims at taking stock of the outcomes of the recent searches for physics beyond the Standard Model at LHC and elsewhere and quantifying the extent to which they constrain models attempting to restore naturalness. The expected sensitivity from future high precision running at the LHC and of planned non-collider experiments will also be addressed.

We will have at most two presentations a day to ensure time for discussions and project work in a relaxed atmosphere.

Zoom coordinates

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 696 1468 0177


Supersymmetry: Status and possible new signatures

Compositeness: Status and possible new signatures

Effective Field Theories

Future Directions: Experiment and Theory


List of Participants

Aurelio Juste Rozas In person
Avik Banerjee In person
Bingxuan Liu In person
Carlos Vázquez Sierra In person
Christophe Clement In person
David Milstead In person
Elin Bergeås Kuutmann In person
Ferretti Gabriele In person
Gia Dvali Remote
James Wells Remote
Jörgen Sjölin In person
Luca Panizzi Remote
Riccardo Torre In person
Rikard Enberg In person
Sara Kristina Strandberg In person
Sebastian Bruggisser In person
Stefano Moretti In person
Stephane Cooperstein In person
Venugopal Ellajosyula In person
Werner Porod In person


Due to limitation of space, the participation to the workshop is by invitation only. Invited participants are still kindly asked to fill in the registration form. We will be able to cover travel expenses, accommodation and part of local expenses for the invited participants.


Sponsored by:

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Solving the HIggs Fine-Tuning Problem with Top Partners

  • Aurelio Juste Rozas
  • Avik Banerjee
  • Bingxuan Liu
  • Carlos Vázquez Sierra
  • Christophe Clement
  • David Milstead
  • Eliel Camargo-Molina
  • Elin Bergeås Kuutmann
  • Ferretti Gabriele
  • Gia Dvali
  • James Wells
  • Jörgen Sjölin
  • Luca Panizzi
  • Riccardo Torre
  • Rikard Enberg
  • Sara Kristina Strandberg
  • Sebastian Bruggisser
  • Stefano Moretti
  • Stephane Cooperstein
  • Venugopal Ellajosyula
  • Werner Porod
    • 1
      Registration Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 2
      Welcome and practical info Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speakers: Gabriele Ferretti, Sara Kristina Strandberg (Stockholm University)
    • 3
      The EWPT and musings about the scale of new physics Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Eliel Camargo-molina (Uppsala University)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 4
      Unnatural theories and their untenable conspiracies of numbers Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: James Wells (University of Michigan)
    • 5:00 PM
      Reception Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29

      Welcoming reception for the first week participants

    • 5
      The CDF W mass measurement Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Chris Hays (Oxford University)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 6
      W mass discussion Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 7
      Probing the composite nature of the Higgs boson at the LHC Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Aurelio Juste (ICREA, IFAE Barcelona)
    • 8
      Non-natural signatures in the pursuit of naturalness Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Bingxuan Liu (Simon Fraser University (CA))
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 9
      Rare Higgs Boson Decays and Searches for BSM Signatures within the Higgs Sector Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Stephane Cooperstein (University of California San Diego )
    • 6:30 PM
      Dinner Prinsen Restaurant

      Prinsen Restaurant

      Mäster Samuelsgatan 4, 111 44 Stockholm
    • 10
      A Composite 2HDM Albano 3: 6228 - Mega (22 seats)

      Albano 3: 6228 - Mega (22 seats)

      Albano Building 3

      Speaker: Moretti Stefano (NExT Institute (Southampton & RAL) )
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 11
      22 Solutions to the Hierarchy Problem Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)
    • 12
      Looking forward to Naturalness: results and prospects for low-mass searches in the forward region at the LHC Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Carlos Vázquez Sierra (CERN)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 13
      An Answer from the SMEFT Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Sebastian Bruggisser (THPHYS Heidelberg)
    • 4:30 PM
      Reception Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14
      LHC bounds on composite Higgs models, implications for naturalness Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Werner Porod (Uni. Würzburg)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 15
      Naturalness and new physics Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Gia Dvali (New York University)
    • 16
      The legacy of HL-LHC for the high energy precision program Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Riccardo Torre (INFN Genova)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 17
      Collider Physics Opportunities of Extended Warped Extra-Dimensional Models Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland)
    • 18
      Chasing the Higgs shape at LHC Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Avik Banerjee (Chalmers)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 19
      Muon colliders Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Conference room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Wulzer Andrea (Padova University)
    • 6:30 PM
      Dinner Fem Små Hus Restaurant

      Fem Små Hus Restaurant

      Nygränd 10, 111 30 Stockholm