24–28 Jun 2024
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The emergence of high-redshift dusty galaxies in the Obelisk simulation

27 Jun 2024, 10:45
Beijer auditorium (Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences)

Beijer auditorium

Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences


Maxime Trebitsch (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)


The new generation of facilities such as the JWST has opened a new window on the high-redshift Universe. One of the key early results of these recent observations, confirming the findings of large ALMA surveys such as REBELS or ALPINE, is the presence of dust in galaxies already early in the history of the Universe.
In the context of the Epoch of Reionisation, this raises two questions: can we understand how galaxies assembled their dust content in a billion year or so? and how does this presence of dust affects the contribution of galaxies to the Reionisation of the Universe?
In the recent years, cosmological simulations have started to incorporate the detailed ISM models accounting for evolution of a dust component, giving a first pathway to answer these questions.

In this talk, I will present recent results obtained with Obelisk, a cosmological radiation-hydrodynamics simulation modelling the evolution of an overdensity and its large scale environment down to $z \sim 3.5$. I will describe the growth of the dust content of high-z galaxies in the simulation. I will then discuss how the resulting observable properties of the galaxy population in Obelisk is affected by the presence of dust, and how it compares to real-world observations in the context of deep JWST surveys. I will focus in particular on the role of the extinction curve. Finally, I will present a first estimate of how the dust in these galaxies interacts with the escape of ionising photons, and compare this in particular to $z\sim 0.3$ analogues taken from the Low-z Lyman Continuum Survey.

Primary author

Maxime Trebitsch (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)

Presentation materials