Daniel Agterberg
(University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
With the groundbreaking work of Fulde, Ferrell, Larkin and
Ovchinnikov (FFLO), it was realized that
superconducting/superfluid order can also break
translational invariance, leading to a phase in which the
Cooper pairs develop a coherent periodic spatially
oscillating structure. Such pair density wave (PDW)
superconductivity/superfluidity has become relevant in a
diverse range of systems, including cuprates, organic
superconductors, heavy-fermion superconductors, cold atoms,
and high-density quark matter. In this talk I discuss recent
theoretical developments on PDW/FFLO phases. This will
include both a discussion of the microscopic origin of such
phases in materials lacking parity symmetry and a
phenomenological description of these phases highlighting
the role of fractional vortices and dislocations.
Primary author
Daniel Agterberg
(University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)