Ultracold quantum gases offer novel and intriguing
possibilities to probe the dynamical evolution of strongly
correlated quantum systems far from equilibrium. We report
on recent experiments, in which we have analyzed the
transport behaviour of fermionic quantum gases in an optical
lattices. We find three distinct transport regimes for
non-interacting, weakly- and strongly-interacting quantum
gas mixtures for both attractive and repulsive interactions.
In a second series of experiments we probe the quantum
dynamics of 1D ladder systems far from equilibrium. Here we
investigate generalized Landau-Zener transitions between two
Luttinger liquids, for which we find striking effects of
ground state phase transitions that manifest in the
dynamical evolution of the system. Finally, we report on
fluorescence imaging of strongly interacting bosonic Mott
insulators in an optical lattice with single-atom and
single-site resolution. From our images, we fully
reconstruct the atom distribution on the lattice. Imaging
lattice quantum gases with single site and single atom
resolution offers unprecedented novel opportunities for the
analysis of and the dynamics of strongly correlated quantum
Primary author
Bloch Immanuel
(Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)