Aurel Bulgac
(University of Washington)
The unitary Fermi gas has emerged as one of the most
fascinating objects of study in the last decade with an wide
impact on various physics sub-fields, from nuclear physics
and astrophysics, AdS/CFT, to condensed matter physics. A
unitary Fermi gas has remarkable properties, among them: the
highest critical temperature known of a superfluid system
(in appropriate units), the highest critical Landau
velocity, a pseudogap phase and a FFLO phase. I will first
describe briefly the nature and main properties of unitary
gas. This will be followed by a description of an extension
of the Density Functional Theory to superfluid systems, both
in its static and time-dependent from, its validation and
verification, and finally a number of simulations of vortex
generation and dynamics in such systems, which reveal some
unexpected features, among them the possibility of superflow
with supercritical Landau velocity.
Primary author
Aurel Bulgac
(University of Washington)