Marek Cieplak
(Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
26/05/2010, 17:00
A method based on the principle of entropy maximization
is used to identify the gene interaction network with the
highest probability of giving rise to experimentally
observed transcript profiles [1]. In its simplest form, the
method yields the pairwise
gene interaction network, but it can also be extended to
deduce higher
order correlations. Analysis of microarray data from genes
Pradeep Ravikumar
(University of Texas, Austin)
27/05/2010, 09:15
Bert Kappen
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
27/05/2010, 14:30
To compute a course of actions in the presence of
uncertainty is the topic of stochastic optimal control
theory. Such computations require the solution of complex
partial differential equations and these computations become
intractable for most problems. I will introduce a class of
control problems that can be expressed as a
KL divergence and that can be mapped onto
a graphical model...
Silvio Franz
(Université Paris-Sud)
27/05/2010, 15:15
Influenza viruses evolve at a high speed to escape acquired
immunity and infect the same host several time. Contrary to
naive expectation, this does not lead to a large diversity
in the viral population. Phylogenetic studies show that the
viral population display the characters of an "evolving
quasispecies" with reduced instantaneous diversity.
In this talk I will discuss a simple...
Angelo Vulpiani
(Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
27/05/2010, 16:30
As first we discuss as the Fluctuation Dissipation
Relations (FDRs) hold in a generalized form for
any systems with a stationary probability distribution.
One can say that the essence of the FDRs is the
possibility to establish a bridge between
equilibrium and non equilibrium properties.
We show how FDRs are useful tools to understand
the statistical behaviour of complex...
Enzo Marinari
(Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
28/05/2010, 09:15
Abstract. We analyze the limits inherent to the inverse
of a pairwise Ising spin glass based on susceptibility
propagation. We establish the conditions under which the
susceptibility propagation algorithm is able to reconstruct
the characteristics of the network given first- and
second-order local observables, evaluate eventual errors
due to various types of noise in the...
Riccardo Zecchina
(Politecnico di Torino)
28/05/2010, 10:30
Optimization under uncertainty deals with the problem of
optimizing stochastic cost functions given some partial
information on their inputs. These problems are extremely
difficult to
solve and yet pervade all areas of technological and natural
sciences. We propose a general approach to solve such
large-scale stochastic
optimization problems and a Survey Propagation based
Simona Cocco
(École Normale Supérieure)
28/05/2010, 14:30
I will introduce a procedure to infer the fields and the
couplings of a
spatially-distributed Ising model, given the magnetizations and
pairwise correlations of spins. The algorithm is based on the
recursive decomposition of the entropy into contributions
coming from
clusters of spins. I will explain and validate the
procedure on synthetic
data sets,and then apply it to experimental...
Simon Schultz
(Imperial College)
28/05/2010, 15:15
New technologies such as high-density multi-electrode array
recording and multiphoton calcium imaging allow the activity
of large numbers of neurons to be monitored. However,
analysis tools have lagged behind the experimental
technology, with most approaches limited to very small
population sizes. In the limit of short time windows, where
neuronal activity can be binarized without loss...
Martin Weigt
(Institute for Scientific Interchange, Torino)
29/05/2010, 09:15
Experimental approaches to transient protein interactions are
laborious and serendipitous, and our understanding of
questions like the identification of interaction surfaces or the
specificity of molecular recognition between interacting
proteins is
far from being complete. We propose a computational approach
on recent techniques from the statistical physics...
Jaakko Hollmen
(Aalto University)
29/05/2010, 11:15
DNA copy number aberrations, i.e. copy number amplifications and
copy number deletions, are hallmarks of nearly all advanced
tumors. We present the data collection of genome-wide DNA copy
number amplification data consisting of data of over 4500 cases
of human neoplasms. The data set has been gathered from
scientific journal articles covering a period of ten years
and is