21 January 2013 to 15 February 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Integrable pairing models in cold atom physics

24 Jan 2013, 14:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Jorge Dukelsky (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia. CSIC.)


The exact solution of the SU(2) pairing Hamiltonian with non-degenerate single particle orbits was introduced by Richardson in the early sixties, although it was recovered in the last decade in an effort to describe the disappearance of superconductivity in ultrasmall grains. Since then it has been widely applied to mesoscopic systems where finite size effects play an important role. Lately we have extended this family of exactly solvable models to higher rank algebras to describe pairing between multi-component fermion systems like three and four color atomic gases. In this talk I will review some of the achievements in the application of the exactly solvable Richardson models to cold atomic gases. I will start with the description of the BCS-BEC crossover view from the exact Richardson wavefunction which defines uniquely the structure of the Cooper pairs from extended resonances in the BCS regime to tightly bound molecules in the BEC regime. Another recent development is associated to the implementation of the hyperbolic family of the SU(2) Richardson model to describe p-wave pairing. Using this new tool we study the quantum phase diagram of a spinless Fermi gas in a 2D optical lattice with px + i py pairing interaction symmetry. Unlike the case of s-wave pairing, which has a smooth a crossover between BCS and BEC, p-wave pairing displays a quantum phase transition separating two gapped superfluid phases known as weak-pairing and strong-pairing. We use the exact solution as well as mean-field to characterize the quantum phase transition and the properties of the two phases. Finally, as an example of the higher rank Richardson models, I will introduce the exact solution of an SO(6) Richardson model that describes pairing between three component atomic fermions. The study of this new exactly solvable model allowed us to unveil a complex structure of breached pairing phases. We find two competing superfluid phases at weak and intermediate couplings, each with two-color pair condensates that can be distinguished with density profile measurements.

Primary author

Prof. Jorge Dukelsky (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia. CSIC.)

Presentation materials