Jun 4 – 5, 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Hotel information

The group booking at Hotel Kom

The group booking at the nearby Kom Hotel (http://www.komhotel.se) has now expired. They might still have vacancies though, so in case you are looking for a place to stay, please contact them directly. The nightly rates will, however, be their usual rates.

To get to the hotel from the airport, the cheapest way is to take a bus (http://www.flygbussarna.se) to the central railway station (T-Centralen). Tickets can be conveniently bought and printed online on their website. From there you can take the underground (T-bana) to Rådmansgatan stop and walk one block from there.

Directions from the hotel to NORDITA

Walking directions (Google Maps)

Walking is the most convenient way to get between the hotel and Nordita. In case you prefer using public transport, possible connections using buses can be found here:


Search for connections between "Döbelnsgatan 17" and "Roslagstullsbacken 23".

Other hotels nearby