2–27 Jun 2014
Albanova, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Entrainment and mixing at the edge of a cloud

5 Jun 2014, 09:30
FB 52 (Albanova, Stockholm)

FB 52

Albanova, Stockholm


Prof. Joerg Schumacher (TU Ilmenau, Germany)


Responses of a droplet ensemble during initial entrainment and subsequent mixing of cloudy and clear air at the edge of a cloud are studied by 3d DNS which combine the Eulerian description of the turbulent velocity, temperature and vapor content fields with a Lagrangian ensemble of cloud water droplets. We discuss their size distribution, the supersaturation and the mixing properties. Furthermore we give an outlook of how these data might be matched to large eddy simulation which cover a whole cloud or clusters of clouds.

Primary author

Prof. Joerg Schumacher (TU Ilmenau, Germany)

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