Welcome to the first week (2nd to 6th June) of the Nordita program on Particles in Flows.
At Nordita we have about 25 desks available for the participants to use as their offices.
Registration starts at the Nordita main building at 9:00 on the 2nd of June.
At 10:00 on 2nd of June, we shall have a short introduction to the program and to Nordita by the deputy director of Nordita, Prof. Axel Brandenburg. After which we shall start with a talk by Guido Boffetta on "Clustering of swimming phytoplankton in turbulence"
On 3rd and 4th of June the COST meeting on "Modelling of Fibre Suspensions" will run at Nordita, jointly with the program "Particles in Flows". Lecture halls: FR4 (Oskar Klein auditorium) on June 3 and FB 52 on June 4. The schedule of the talks is available at this location.
On Tuesday June 3 at 18:00 we have a BBQ outside the NORDITA building, weather permitting.
On Wednesday June 4 at 13:00 a lab visit to KTH Mechanics has been arranged. We meet outside the NORDITA building at 12:50.
On the 5th of June there are four seminars (by J. Schumacher, A. Puisto, H. Xu, and N. Ouellette), in room FB 52. The seminar schedule is available here.
We usually go for lunch just after 11:30 and for coffee at 15:00. During the COST meeting June 3 and 4 we have lunch at 11:50.
Please note that the 6th of June is a National Holiday in Sweden. There are no activities scheduled on this day. But you are, of course, welcome to come to NORDITA to work and discuss.