Novel Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism

132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm

Anders Sandvik (Boston University), Eddy Ardonne (Stockholm University), Stephen Powell (Nordita)


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


In a frustrated system, competition between interactions hinders the tendency towards forming an ordered state, allowing for the emergence of new physical phenomena. This programme will bring together experts in the field of frustrated and critical magnetism as well as younger researchers, to discuss recent developments, explore connections between different areas of research, and generate new ideas.

Topics of interest include:

  • Quantum spin liquids in theory and experiment
  • Spin ice, classical and quantum: monopoles, dynamics, and topological order
  • Criticality in magnetic and constrained systems
  • Frustration in context: multiferroicity, charge degrees of freedom, and disorder

The programme will run for four weeks, from 14 July to 8 August (immediately following HFM 2014). We plan to have one or two talks per day with plenty of time for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.


The preliminary schedule of talks and list of participants are now available.


Participants who have requested accommodation will be housed at three locations in Stockholm:

Please see the links for information about travel to and from the accommodation.


The application deadline has passed.

Application deadline: 28 February 2014

Sponsored by:

Nordita Swedish Research Council

  • Alexander Chernyshev
  • Alexei Andreanov
  • Anders Sandvik
  • Bruce Gaulin
  • Bruce Normand
  • Daniel Sellmann
  • Daniel Weston
  • David Pomaranski
  • Donna Sheng
  • Eddy Ardonne
  • Egor Babaev
  • Fabien Alet
  • Frederic Mila
  • Gรธran Nilsen
  • John Fjaerestad
  • Joost Slingerland
  • Karim Essafi
  • Kedar Damle
  • Laura Bovo
  • Leon Balents
  • Lieh-Jeng Chang
  • Lucile Savary
  • Ludovic Jaubert
  • Maria Hermanns
  • Maria Laura Baez
  • Michel Gingras
  • Natalia Perkins
  • Nic Shannon
  • Olga Petrova
  • Pablo Serna
  • Patrik Henelius
  • Paul McClarty
  • Pinaki Sengupta
  • Raivo Stern
  • Raquel Lizarraga
  • Ribhu Kaul
  • Samuel Ducatman
  • Santiago Grigera
  • Shigeki Onoda
  • Simon Trebst
  • Sreejith G J
  • Stefan Depenbrock
  • Stephen Powell
  • Sylvain Capponi
  • Wenan Guo
  • Yasir Iqbal
  • Zohar Nussinov