July 27, 2015 to August 21, 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The electron diffusion region in asymmetric and symmetric magnetic reconnection

Aug 12, 2015, 2:00 PM
FD5 (FD5)



Invited Workshop, August 10-14 Post-noon III


Dr Li-Jen Chen (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)


The electron diffusion region (EDR) holds the ultimate mystery of how magnetic reconnection can occur in a collisionless plasma, and is the target region of the first science priority for the newly launched Magnetospheric Multi-scale (MMS) mission. Processes of elctron acceleration, mixing and heating in the EDR can be understood by analyzing the electron distribution functions with knowledge of the DC field structures. For reconnection with symmetric upstream conditions and negligible guide field, the EDR electron energization depends primarily on the reconnection electric field, parallel pre-acceleration before entering the EDR, and gyro- turning by the reconnected magnetic field. For asymmetric reconnection with a negligible guide field, the in-plane electric field dominates over the reconnection electric field in energizing electrons in the EDR. Structures of the in-plane electric field, plasma flow patterns, and electron distribution functions for symmetric and asymmetric reconnection in PIC simulations will be contrasted to provide predictions for the EDR encounters of MMS.

Primary author

Dr Li-Jen Chen (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

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