27 July 2015 to 21 August 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Acceleration of particles beyond the synchrotron burnoff limit in relativistic magnetic reconnection: analysis of particle trajectories

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm

Poster Workshop, August 10-14


Dr Daniel Kagan (Tel Aviv University)


We investigate the acceleration of particles beyond the synchrotron burnoff limit of the background magnetic field in relativistic magnetic reconnection by analysing the effects of radiative cooling on test particles incident on a large reconnection region in a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. We find that the trajectories of the particles are not significantly affected by cooling while they are in the reconnection region, but that their energies are significantly decreased if the uncooled final energy is significantly higher than the burnoff limit corresponding to the average magnetic field experienced by the particle in its trajectory in the reconnection region. We present a semi-analytical model to calculate this average magnetic field experienced by a particle as a function of energy in our simulations and compare it to previous analytical work based on Speiser orbit calculations, finding reasonable agreement between the two approaches. We then use our model to calculate the predicted cooled spectrum corresponding to an uncooled power law, and find that for hard power laws typically produced in reconnection simulations, cooling produces a break in the power law at high energy but the change in index of the power law is slight. Thus, our simulation and our model predict that the synchrotron burnoff limit does not present a signficant limitation to the energy reached by particles accelerated in magnetic reconnection.

Primary author

Dr Daniel Kagan (Tel Aviv University)


Prof. Ehud Nakar (Tel Aviv University) Prof. Tsvi Piran (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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