27 July 2015 to 21 August 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Asymmetric kinetic equilibria for full PIC simulations of asymmetric magnetic reconnection

Not scheduled
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm

Poster Workshop, August 10-14


Mr Jeremy Dargent (CNRS/LPP/IRAP)


Tangential current layers are ubiquitous in the Universe.They appear in magnetized collisionless plasmas as a result of the Frozen-in law and the conservation of field line connectivity. However, there are few steady kinetic descriptions of them and most of these describe symmetric layers. The BAS model (Belmont et al. 20132) is a semi- analytical model which provides a steady ion distribution function for asymmetric current sheet. We used this model to initialize fully kinetic Particle-in-Cell simulations and showed its efficiency. We then apply this model to initialize asymmetric magnetic reconnection simulations and study the influence of the initial structure of the current layer on the phenomenon. This detailed description of the magnetic reconnection site is essential to understand future results from the recently launched MMS mission.

Primary author

Mr Jeremy Dargent (CNRS/LPP/IRAP)


Dr Benoît Lavraud (CNRS/IRAP) Dr Gérard Belmont (CNRS/LPP) Dr Michael Hesse (NASA/GSFC) Dr Nicolas Aunai (CNRS/LPP) Dr Nicolas Dorville (CNRS/LPP)

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