Viggo Hansteen
(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo)
We have performed three-dimensional (3d)
magnetohydrodynamic simulations of
magnetic flux emergence in a model that spans the
convection zone and into the outer
solar atmosphere with the Bifrost code. This is a ``realistic''
model, in the sense that
the parameters and physical effects that control the
atmosphere can be used to
produce diagnostics that can be directly compared with
observations. The emerging
flux leads to the formation of several current sheets as it
rises into the modeled
corona. Multiple plasmoids are ejected from the current
sheets. Reconnection occurs
impulsively, producing heating and fast outflows near or in
the current sheet, arranged
in a manner reminiscent of the CSHKP flare model. This
includes a cusp like arcade
and a flux rope in the lower atmospere underneath the
current sheet. We discuss the
evolution of the model and several synthetic observables. We
will also show
observational data of similar flux emergence in the solar
Primary author
Viggo Hansteen
(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo)