Afternoon II
- Slavik Olshevsky (KU Leuven)
Philip Pritchett
(University of California, Los Angeles)
8/11/15, 3:45 PM
Workshop, August 10-14
Magnetic reconnection is widely accepted as the driver of dynamics in
the Earth’s
magnetotail despite the difficulty in understanding how reconnection
can be initiated in
a current sheet with curved magnetic field lines associated with a small
normal B_z
component. In particular, reconnection is the favored mechanism for
explaining the
generation of bursty bulk flows and...
Yuri Khotyaintsev
(Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
8/11/15, 4:10 PM
Workshop, August 10-14
We use multi-spacecraft observations by Cluster and MMS in the
magnetotail and 3D PIC simulations to investigate conversion of
electromagnetic energy at the front of a fast plasma jet. Such plasma
jet can be produced as a result of magnetic reconnection.
Jet fronts are known to have a sharp increase of magnetic field
(referred to as dipolarization fronts in the magnetospheric...
Mikhail Sitnov
8/11/15, 4:25 PM
Workshop, August 10-14
Magnetic reconnection in the Earth’s magnetotail has important
features that distinguish it from
processes in other space plasma regions, laboratory plasmas and in the
simplest theoretical models.
First, the
very possibility of spontaneous reconnection has been questioned
because of the stabilizing effect of
magnetized by the north-south (Bz) magnetic field...