Afternoon IV
- Paolo Ricci (EPFL)
Minna Palmroth
(Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland)
13/08/2015, 15:45
Workshop, August 10-14
Vlasiator ( is a newly developed, global hybrid-
Vlasov simulation, which
solves the six-dimensional phase space utilising the Vlasov equation for
protons, while electrons
are treated as a charge-neutralising fluid. The outcome of the
simulation is a global reproduction
of ion-scale physics where the generation of physical features can be
followed in time...
Stefano Markidis
13/08/2015, 16:10
Workshop, August 10-14
We present the first 3D global simulation of Ganymede’s
magnetosphere in a unified framework coupling the fluid and kinetic
models. An MHD model describes the global interaction of solar wind
with Ganymede’s magnetosphere over the whole simulation domain. A
kinetic model is used only in the selected space regions, where kinetic
effects dominate and MHD description fails. In...