Title: Evolution of the magnetic topology due to reconnection in a 3D
MHD corona above an active region
Abstract: From observations we know that magnetic features, like flux
tubes, emerge from the photosphere and subsequently rise through the
solar atmosphere. This causes global reconfiguration of the magnetic
topology and hence requires reconnection. Still it is debated, how fast
this reconnection may happen and if this leads to strong intermittent
heating (e.g. nanoflares) or if this process is more consistent with slow
magnetic diffusion and dissipation. In our model, the apex of an
evolved coronal loop raises with about 2 km/s, which has also been
observed for loops just emerging from the chromosphere into the
corona. With our 3D MHD model, that is driven by photospheric
magnetic-field braiding and reproduces coronal observations, we are
able to investigate the magnetic topology reconfiguration process. We
will show how the plasma flow dynamics are influenced by rising
magnetic structures and how that compares to statistical Doppler shift
observations. Within our model we find slow Ohmic dissipation of
current density structures that