Henning Schmidt
(Stockholm University)
The storage ring facility, DESIREE, is briefly introduced and two examples of experiments and their astrophysical implications are discussed. 1: Mutual-neutralization reactions between negative hydrogen and positive metal ions are studied in DESIREE to aid quantitative analysis of abundances of such metals from stellar spectra. 2: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are believed to be ubiquitous in interstellar space. We have studied the stability of PAH fragments formed exclusively in collisions taking place at stellar-wind velocities by storing such collision products in DESIREE for up to seconds or minutes.
Primary author
Henning Schmidt
(Stockholm University)
Alice Schmidt-May
(Stockholm University)
Ansgar Simonsson
(Stockholm University)
Gustav Eklund
(Stockholm University)
Henning Zettergren
(Stockholm University)
Henrik Cederquist
(Physics Department, Stockholm University)
Jon Grumer
(Uppsala University)
Mark Stockett
(Stockholm University)
Mathias Poline
(Stockholm Universiy)
Michael Gatchell
(Stockholm University)
Ming Chao Ji
(Stockholm University)
Paul S Barklem
(Uppsala University)
Richard Thomas
(Stockholm University)
Stefan Rosén
(Stockholms Universitet)