22–26 Nov 2021
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Please note: ECTI 2021 will be held as a hybrid event.

A multiqubit quantum network node with trapped ions

25 Nov 2021, 17:30
Online via Zoom

Online via Zoom

invited talk online ECTI


Victor Krutyanskiy (Innsbruck University)


Trapped ions are known for being one of the leading quantum computing platforms as well as for their potential in metrology and sensing. Efficient interfacing of registers of trapped ions with travelling photons would allow to link them into a distributed network trapped-ion-based nodes. This can enable remarkable applications of the quantum networks e.g. in quantum enhanced distributed sensing, timekeeping, cryptography and multiparty protocols [1].

We present such light-matter interface, consisting of a string of ions in a linear Paul trap coupled to an optical cavity. The key capability we demonstrate is the pairwise entanglement distribution between several selected ions’ qubits and several telecom band photons, travelling up to 100 km in a fibre. Together with the deterministic quantum logic, and quantum memory in the ion register this represents a functional quantum network node. As a test case, we demonstrate operation of our system as a 2-qubit quantum repeater node [2] in a middle of a 50 km fibre link.
[1] Wehner et al., Science 362 (2018)
[2] Briegel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 81 (1998)

Primary authors

Victor Krutyanskiy (Innsbruck University) Martin Meraner (Innsbruck University) Marco Canteri Josef Schupp (Innsbruck University) Ben Lanyon (Innsbruck University)

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