22–26 Nov 2021
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Please note: ECTI 2021 will be held as a hybrid event.

Non-equilibrium coupling of a quartz resonator to the motion of ions in a Penning trap

24 Nov 2021, 09:30
Online via Zoom

Online via Zoom

invited talk online ECTI


Prof. Daniel Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)


The use of quartz resonators for induced image current detection of trapped ions has been pioneered in a collaboration between the Universities of Granada and Mainz, aiming at developing a novel detection system for the measurement of the cyclotron frequencies of single ions. One of the anticipated applications is mass measurements of superheavy elements produced in fusion-evaporation reactions at lowest rates of single ions at a time. Since 2018, we have performed first experiments on ions, with two types of quartz crystals, demonstrating the functioning of the resonator together with a new amplifier [1], performing proof-of-principle mass measurements [2], and investigating the response of the resonator under non-equilibrium conditions [3]. The latter investigations have clearly shown the advantages of quartzes compared to superconducting resonators, enhancing their use for the envisaged experiments, still subject to reaching the single-ion sensitivity. In this contribution we will present these results, considering different models, and the on-going activities towards the use of quartz resonators on laser-cooled ions in a 7-Tesla open-ring Penning trap [4].
[1] A quartz amplifier for high-sensitivity Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance measurements with trapped ions, S. Lohse et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (2019) 063202
[2] Quartz resonators for Penning traps toward mass spectrometry on the heaviest elements, S. Lohse et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (2020) 093202
[3] Non-equilibrium coupling of a quartz resonator to ions for Penning-trap fast resonant detection, J. Berrocal et al., Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2021) 044002
[4] The TRAPSENSOR facility: an open-ring 7 tesla Penning trap for laser-based precision experiments, M.J. Gutierrez et al., New Journal of Physics, 21 (2019) 023023

Primary authors

Mr Emilio Altozano (Universidad de Granada) Mr Joaquín Berrocal (Universidad de Granada) Mr Steffen Lohse (University of Mainz/GSI/HIM) Mr Francisco Domínguez (Universidad de Granada) Dr Jesús Del Pozo (Universidad de Granada) Prof. Francisco Javier Fernández (Universidad de Granada) Prof. Michael Block (University of Mainz/GSI/HIM) Dr Juan José García-Ripoll (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Prof. Daniel Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)

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