22–26 Nov 2021
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Please note: ECTI 2021 will be held as a hybrid event.

A quantum network of entangled optical atomic clocks

22 Nov 2021, 15:50
Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St. Anne's college (Oxford + Zoom)

Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St. Anne's college

Oxford + Zoom


B. C. Nichol (Oxford University)


Optical atomic clocks are our most precise tools to measure time and frequency. Their precision enables frequency comparisons between atoms in separate locations to probe the space-time variation of fundamental constants, the properties of dark matter, and for geodesy. Measurements on independent systems are limited by the standard quantum limit (SQL); measurements on entangled systems, in contrast, can surpass the SQL, to reach the ultimate precision allowed by quantum theory --- the so-called Heisenberg limit. While local entangling operations have been used to demonstrate this enhancement at microscopic distances, frequency comparisons between remote atomic clocks require the rapid generation of high-fidelity entanglement between separate systems that have no intrinsic interactions. We demonstrate the first quantum network of entangled optical clocks [1], using two 88Sr+ ions, separated by a macroscopic distance (≈2m), that are entangled using a photonic link. We characterise the entanglement enhancement for frequency comparisons between the ions. We find that, in the absence of decoherence due to the probe laser, entanglement improves the single-shot uncertainty by a factor close to √2, as predicted for the Heisenberg limit, thus halving the number of measurements required to reach a given precision. Practically, today's optical clocks are typically limited by laser decoherence; in this regime, we find that using entangled clocks confers an even greater benefit, yielding a factor 4 reduction in the number of measurements, compared to conventional correlation spectroscopy techniques [1].
As a proof of principle, we demonstrate this enhancement for measuring a frequency shift applied to one of the clocks. Our results show that quantum networks have now attained sufficient maturity for enhanced metrology. This two-node network could be extended to additional nodes, to other species of trapped particles, or to larger entangled systems via local operations.
[1] Nichol, B. C. et. al. (In preparation)
[2] Clements, E. R et al. Lifetime-Limited Interrogation of Two Independent 27Al+ Clocks Using Correlation Spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 243602 (2020)

Primary author

B. C. Nichol (Oxford University)


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