19–21 Oct 2022
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Holography and neutrino transport in dense media

20 Oct 2022, 14:30
Conference center, room ... (Albano Building 3)

Conference center, room ...

Albano Building 3

Albanovägen 29


Edwan Préau


The cooling of young neutron stars happens mainly via emission of neutrinos from the core. The modeling of this process requires the knowledge of the neutrino weak interaction rates with the dense QCD matter inside the star. This can be formalized into the calculation of the retarded 2-point correlation function for the chiral currents, which is a strongly coupled problem. The holographic method is one of the only ways of getting analytic insight into most strongly coupled systems. When numerical methods are not available, it is even the best technique we know of to tackle these problems. In particular, lattice QCD is unable to provide results at high baryon density, which is why a lot of effort is put into the study of holographic QCD at high density. In this talk, I will discuss the calculation of the neutrino radiative coefficients in the simplest holographic model that incorporates a finite baryon density. I will explain how the retarded 2-point functions are computed holographically and show some numerical results.

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