24–28 Jun 2024
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Anatomy of an ionized bubble: NIRcam Grism spectroscopy of z=6.6 double-peaked Lyman-alpha emitter COLA1 and its environment

27 Jun 2024, 10:15
Beijer auditorium (Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences)

Beijer auditorium

Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences


Alberto Torralba-Torregrosa (UV)


There is an ongoing debate of whether bright or faint galaxies reionized the Universe. In this context, the galaxy COLA1 - a luminous rare double peaked Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) emitter in the COSMOS field at a redshift $z=6.6$ - provides an exceptional opportunity to unveil the anatomy of an ionized bubble in detail. The visibility of the blue peak of the Ly$\alpha$ line suggests that COLA1 resides inside a large highly ionized bubble, and allows us to infer the Lyman Continuum escape fraction. However, such ionized bubbles have not been found in recent reionization simulations. I will present the first view of COLA1 and its large-scale environment obtained from Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopic (WFSS) data from JWST/NIRCam. First, we prove that COLA1 is a single extremely compact bright galaxy ($M_{\rm UV}=-21.3$). We confirm the systemic redshift suggested by the Ly$\alpha$ double-peaked profile using detections of H$\gamma$, H$\beta$ and [OIII]. I will discuss how we measure an exceptionally high Ly$\alpha$ escape fraction of $f_{\rm esc}({\rm Ly}\alpha)=81\pm 5\%$ and how COLA1 has all the properties expected for strong ionizing galaxies with an inferred ionizing photon escape fraction of $f_{\rm esc}\approx 30\%$. Using the complete spectroscopic coverage of the WFSS mode, we identify a total of 141 spectroscopically selected [OIII] emitters in the $\sim 22$ arcmin$^2$ field at $z\sim 5$-$7$. While we find an overdensity ($\delta+1 = 1.96$; 4 galaxies) around COLA1, we use a semi-empirical forward modeling approach to show that this is a totally normal environment given COLA1s UV luminosity. Our results suggest that COLA1 itself makes a substantial contribution to the ionizing photon budget needed to power its bubble.

Primary author


Dr Jorryt Matthee (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)) Dr Rohan Naidu (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)

Presentation materials