July 19, 2010 to August 27, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Prof. Dorsey, Alan: Low temperature properties of solid 4He: Supersolidity or quantum "metallurgy"?

Aug 10, 2010, 11:00 AM



A "supersolid" is a putative phase of matter possessing the distinguishing property of a solid--a nonzero shear modulus--together with Bose condensation. Numerous experiments over the last six years have yielded hints of supersolid behavior in solid 4^He, but the threads of these investigations have not produced a consistent interpretation. I'll briefly review some of the history of the subject, the recent experimental and theoretical work, and conclude with an overview of my own work on phenomenological modeling of defects in solid 4He.

Primary author

Prof. Alan Dorsey (University of Florida)

Presentation materials